well today was a very full and exhausting day. Rebecca and myself decided we were going to go downtown, so I had to get up at like 8 ish. I didn't end up getting up until 8:30 because thankfully Kirsten phoned me. =] thank you love. (we were up until 4:15 texting LOL) so anywho me and Rebecca were downtown by like 11:30ish and got crepes. HOM NOM NOM (lolololol kirsty). anyways we were there till like 2 and then we got tired. got back to rebeccas and then hung out till 630ish because SOMEONE takes 6 years to do everything!! ahahaha, we then went to kristins and made MORE crepes, and it was nice.
tiring day.
now ima play sims instead of you know... going to bed
my life as according to facebook for today:
Physical: VERY LOW INDEED. Rest. (-98 % but rising.)
Emotional: You're not at your best emotionally. (-43 % and falling.)
Intellectual: A good day for using your brain. (76 % but falling.)
oh dear
Monkey Horoscope
Go to: Yesterday | TomorrowKaty,
A friend of yours has a serious authority figure complex and you may have to give them some tough love to snap them out of some serious self-pity. Trust your intuition if you are not sure what to say. Even if they resist your advice, they are listening.
Edit Sign | Image | Time Zone Katy,
Love Horoscope
Don't allow anything to alter the confidence you have in yourself, since this is what makes you the most attractive. You are not perfect, but this makes you a more interesting individual.
Taurus Horoscope
Go to: Yesterday | TomorrowKaty,
If you're having a hard time believing how great you are, don't be afraid to ask for other people's opinions. Work at your own pace and watch your efficiency improve. Someone may be pushing you to go faster, but it will only discourage you. Explain your situation, and expect some understanding.
Astro Outlook
HealthLucky Numbers
5, 12, 18, 22, 23, 45
Compatible Sign
oh life
13 years ago
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