Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I just wrote, my last yellow book... EVER.
WOOOHOOOOOO so happy, this is how I felt after I was through with math.
Oh man, so happy.
On another note, my strange mood has continued on from a few days ago and I'm feeling a huge mixture of things. Happiness, Nostalgia, Embarrassment, Regret (crap.), stress and just generally like time is moving to fast for me to keep up with. But, I guess everyone's feeling like that this year, well... at least everyone in grade twelve. I keep wanting to just stop life and go back to grade nine, one of the best years of my life. I'm through dealing with this grade twelve shit. Dresses, Money, Cuba, Dry Grad, Scholarships, APPLYING! University. I don't know what to do after I graduate! and I know I can't just laze around like I would really LOVE to do. It just can't happen, should I continue with singing? Photography? or Do I try for sociology? I think singing is my best bet. But the problem is I don't want that to lead me to teaching. NEVER would I become a teacher, I just couldn't do it. My patience level isn't high enough to deal with kids who think they know better than the teacher. Which coincidentally enough is me in some classes, which is something I really regret doing in high school. I think I'm growing up - because it's becoming easier and easier for me to admit when I'm wrong. I may be a bit of a tough personality but I'm learning when to draw boundaries, something that I really used to have trouble with when I was younger.

All in all though, life is really going amazingly and everyone in my life makes me so happy. I'm so happy to have all of you, know that you're the reason I even bother coming to school in the morning and making my self do well enough to graduate.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


whenever I post, (rarely) it's always a bunch on the same day! hahaha.
So I had two really weird dreams last night. One involving a certain Jonas brother (wtf) andddd the other involving a lost friend. The first was funny, the second was depressing since I woke up and realized "hey shit, this is just a dream." and i've been thinking about it /bummed out all day. Oh well, it happens right? 2010, time to move on!

new year

so just like that, the time that everyone looks forward too all year is gone as fast as it came - and boy did it come fast. I feel like it didn't even happen, very depressing.

oh well, with a new year comes new hopes and new resolutions part of which was started to today with kirsten - a re-found admiration for walking :).

Life moves to fast. I'm graduating in 6 months. Holy Shit.

Friday, November 6, 2009


This is potentially my most favourite time of year, the weather is changing into the bestest kind possible - rainy, cold and windy. I love it (: plus everything at school has basically finally settled. Classes are comfortable, work load is high and everything and everyone seems basically normal. The routine of school life is set.

The music program had their first concert yesterday the annual "fall concert" woop-dee-doo. Basically and excuse for us all the practice for the upcoming band revue in a few weeks. It really astounds me how hot and humid that freaking gym gets during those concerts, you leave for like five minutes cool down breathe delicious fresh air and then come back and enter through a wall of sweaty band people heat. I was fortunate enough to experience this lovely sensation several times last night. I was SO pleased.

The one thing I have sort of a love/hate relationship with is the stress of the holidays, I love all the shopping and the getting ready and giving things to the people who matter to me, I just don't really like the whole "go make money at a really stupid crappy job and then instead of spoiling ones self with their own money go and buy for like 50 others". Yes okay so this is a bit contradictory, but hence the love/hate relationship. Love the idea, hate the execution.

I should make a list of all the people I need to buy for this year :
  • Mom
  • Sister x2
  • Brandon
  • Kirsten
  • Rebecca
  • Prerana
  • Althea
  • Kelsey
  • Kristin

plus Christmas cards that I plan on making. soo...x1000000 hahahaha FACK.

I never know what to buy boys for presents :S I gotta start planning.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


that no matter how bitter you think a person is and how done you are with them, they still can manage to claw their way back into your thoughts by making up random reasons to be angry with you. just seriously, if you have so little to think about and worry then why bother with such idiotic things such as whether I intoxicatingly hug a person who I don't even remember hugging. What the hell is the big deal? calm your shit and find something better to think about. gah I'm just really upset :(

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It is so cold today, Its my favourite weather evaaahh today. I haven't blogged in such a long time! I knoww everyone who reads this ( uhh no one) is probably incredibly excited with this VERY LOVELYYYYYY intellectual blog.
I got a hair cut yesterday for the first time in five years and it actually did not turn out as bad as I hoped. Its really short though and I feel bald.

I am so boring, and never have anything to say
hahaha so I will leave it at this.


Monday, August 31, 2009


I love you so much.